Monday, August 11, 2008

Experiences and Dreams. Dreamsperiences?

I slept in til 12 today by complete accident, and I hate myself for it. However, that dream cycle afforded me some rather odd visions. I had a dream where the creators of my favorite web comics came and chilled out with me. We talked about writing and music, we talked about geek stuff, and ninjas, and the Punk Scene. Yes, I was visited by Jeph Jaques of QC, who was portrayed by Marten of his comic. I was visited by Randall Munroe of XKCD, who was portrayed by Black Hat Man. I was visited by Chris Hastings of Dr. Mcninja, who was of course portrayed by Dr. Mcninja, and Mitch Clem, one of my Idols, and he was portrayed by his own cartoon version from My Stupid Life. It was probably like some of the parlor conversations of the Renaissance, becuase I had four geniuses in my house conversing about the issues of the day. It was great, and I think I am going to write a story about it, so expect that in the near future.

I've found a new forum for writers, and while I acknowledge that it seems pretty lame to be looking for critique on the net, I also acknowledge that we are in the future now. So if anyone frequents and sees some of my stories, its ok, I put it there.
But thanks for caring.

Anywho, my typical weekday routine of looking for a job began again today, and I still haven't obtained so much as a interview for one. I started writing a story about my old job, and it seems pretty good, so expect it within the month, it will be short-ish, so I might post it a bit at time over the next couple of weeks. I'll show you what I have so far today.

The Late Shift

I don't even remember wanting this job. It is a strange affliction, realizing all at once that you hate everything you do. It hits you in a sort of crippling, enfeebling manner. When you die, you don't die all at once. Your heart shuts down, and after that all of your neccesary functions begin to end. Some Doctors actually theorize that the Brain is one of the last vital functions in your body to go. After all of this, many of your useless functions continue to act, your nails, your hair, you get the idea.
This basic idea can be applied to the late shift. You get here, and have every ounce of you body prepared to be the best associate you can be. You want to be the talk of the store, you want your manager to come hug you and say " Oh, Dear, We had a 2000 dollar night thanks to you!" You want to see your co-workers and partners in death acting like your underlings, coming to you for every answer. You want to be something orignal, the fresh face of this corporation. You look at the entrance and dare a snarky customer to invade your turf. Yet again, you are the shining Knight of the nighttime food service industry. You gladly fill orders, you smile, you take on extra duties.

So far, If you have any comments, I'll gladly take them.


Otherwise, not much has been happening. I am hopefully going to get to go to a Mogwai concert soon, so that should be neat. I have a few ideas for what is going to be in my short story from your comments and emails, thanks to mike and bridgette. I'll explain these ideas later, but If I could just get one more I could start.

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