Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hmm, Character Art.

So, I'm thinking about actually drawing a few things here and there. Notice : I will not be drawing for artistic blow-your-mindedness. Mostly I want to convey an Idea. Before I actually do that, I wanted to show some visions from my head. Its ok, you can look, my head is part of the Creative Commons. 

This guy has lived in my head for a while, and his persona is much more deep than his purple face conveys.

Notice: Yeah, I did take lessons from Shel Silverstien, and then I was like nah, I am going to just dumb it down so there is no detail. I promise this will get better as I go along.  Again, I just wanted to introduce some stuff. These characters have mostly come about from doodling during math classes and especially boring lectures.  I do that a lot.