Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Mid-day Encounter with the Philistine

So, I wrote a poem, as an avenue to release an immense amount of anger. I usually don't show these to anyone, which is why no one knows that I write poetry. It isn’t necessarily one of my strengths, but I figure I would put it out there for people to see.

Anywho, enjoy.

 A Mid-day Encounter with the Philistine 
Not withstanding the moral judgment in your voice, 
I'd say your statement was more than off-point.
I am not a "Filthy Socialist" as you claim,
and who really is the dirtier between us? 
Your speaking, eloquent and asinine, 
did not change my mind, 
nor will I concede to your's,
rather, I am my own man. 

Woefully, I trudged along next to you,
ardently, you professed your knowledge,
scarcely, I acknowledged your existence,
rather, I decided you died many moons ago. 

I suppose you are still alive,
if only in body and being,
and certainly I can see you standing,
but what happened to your soul? 

1 comment:

bridgette said...

wow that's really good...
never realized you were into writing poetry and such
I especially love the last stanza
and the whole idea behind it reminds me of a conor type mentality (go figure)
anywho just figured I'd say...your poetry doesn't suck like mine but rather is quite good and I enjoyed it =)