Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The important part always ends up at the end, odd don't you think?

I suppose that asking for people to type in a manner that makes semi-sense is way toooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to expect from the internet.

Someone told me that "I am not sure dieing and working the night shift is the best compairicent....There just two really differnt type of thing." Oh well, I am being a snob.
Anywho, I haven't written anything fictional in a few days, mostly because the job search continues. I have, however, built a giant tower with the books that I can't fit on my shelf. It makes me happy and also scares the hell out of me. Its like having an enormous, heavy Jenga tower hovering behind you. It already fell down and made the pain on my fingers.

If anyone was wanting a good listen, you should check out the most recent offering from Sons and Daughters. This Gift has an amazing feeling to it, and if you like Girl in a Coma or the Strokes earlier stuff, you probably will enjoy this severely. The first track Gift Complex throws you head first into the mood of the album, and track 4, Rebel with the Ghost brings a feeling of life not seen felt since Ted Leo graced me with Me and Mia.

So go do something fruitful, go make someone smile, go dance and prance, go scream, stop somewhere odd on the street. Summer is almost over my friends, and what do you have to show for it? I would like to hear any awesome stories you may have. I would love to write something interesting about it. We don't have any other responsibilities in life more important than loving and showing others you can love, so lets just get that done with, and make the world a little better place in which to live.


Ktea said...

i met a baby bluejay and his name was pecan.
and i held him.

see also:

anyways, besides making friends with bluejays, i swam in a absolutely freezing river. go visit cherokee at least once before you die!

bridgette said...

I love idiots.

They don't make me want to kill myself.

Reading your blog makes me feel like I'm reading the subtitles on something like the Colbert Report or the Daily Show but more serious...and having more to do with music than television...maybe a mix between various shows...who knows....

sometimes I rhyme...

I'm sorry I'm not a more important person commenting your blog...